For I know the plans I have for your life… they are plans to give you a future and to give you hope.
— Jeremiah 29:11
Congratulations on your engagement! We are delighted to help you on your journey through this exciting and important time in your life.
God calls a couple to the vocation of marriage to experience His love and mercy in each other and, in turn, bear witness to that love and mercy to the world! God loves us for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, until death…and beyond. Marriage is a visible and powerful sign of the way God loves us.

Marriage is a journey a couple walks together daily with all of its joys, changes and challenges and at times, you may feel you are the only couple on this journey. Whether you are preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage or a married couple of any age, you walk this journey with each other, God and the many brothers and sisters who have been called to live the Sacrament of Marriage.
A helpful Letter of Information for you
Pre-Marriage Preparation
Engaged couples complete a three-part pre-marriage preparation program: One-on-one counseling with a professional Marriage Counselor, a Natural Family Planning class, and a workshop for engaged couples. For more information and to set up your first meeting, please contact our Pastoral Associate, Lisa Harrison, by email or call 248-689-8380 Ext. 109.
Natural Family Planning
For current class information, please visit the website or contact the Archdiocese of Detroit NFP office at 313-237-4679.
For Your Marriage
If you’re looking for reliable advice on preparing for marriage well, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find guidance on dating, great conversations to have when things get serious, tips on wedding planning, and more. You’ll also find real-life reflections by dating or engaged couples, advice from Pope Francis, and book recommendations for this exciting time in your life.
Additional Marriage Support and Enrichment
Visit our website for additional resources.
Remember to pray for each other every day!
Lord, as we prepare for the sacrament of marriage, we come to ask what you desire from us. Guide us to know your will. May we look to your love for us as our model of how we are to love each other. Show us how to nourish and cherish each other as we would our own bodies. Bring your strength to our weakness so that we might help each other grow into people you created us to be. Enable us to grow in our intimacy with you and with each other so that we might experience the fullness of your love. Thank you for the gift of marriage so that we can more fully understand your love for us.