Mass Times / Confessions

We invite you to come worship God with us at St. Anastasia Catholic Church.

Always Loved, Always Welcome!

Holy Week and Easter

Please see our website for details.

Weekend Masses


4:00 PM
6:00 PM Spanish Mass
(Spanish Mass: 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month)


8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM

Weekday Masses

Monday through Friday at 8:15 AM
Daily Masses will not be held Easter week (April 21 – April 25)

Holy Days

Please check the bulletin or parish calendar to confirm days and times.

Mass Intention Procedures

Mass intentions need to be arranged at least two weeks in advance. Mass intentions are for persons living (special intentions like: health, anniversaries, birthdays, thanksgiving) and for the deceased.
We accept Mass intentions for each Mass that is scheduled. The Tuesday morning Masses are “collective Masses” meaning that more than one intention may be offered that day.

You may request a Mass by calling the Parish Office (248) 689-8380. The usual donation is $10.


  • Confessions are on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm.
  • Confessions can be made by appointment by calling the Parish Office at (248) 689-8380.
  • To find other opportunities in the area, see here.
  • How to go to Confession – A step by step guide.
  • There are many different examinations of conscience available (teens, married life, etc.) that you can search for. Here is one brief examination from the U.S.C.C.B.

Out of Town?

Find Mass times in your current location by visiting,  or the AOD Mass Finder.

Inclement Weather Policy for St. Anastasia

Activities are subject to change, with or without notice.