Other Opportunities


Fast-a-thon is our annual lock-in event for high school teens to fast together on Good Friday and reflect on Jesus’ Passion.  After spending the night together at the church, teens wake up on Holy Saturday morning to make a pancake breakfast together. After a final time of reflection, the event ends.
(If health reasons prohibit a teen from fasting, arrangements can be made and he or she may still attend!)

More detailed information & a permission slip can be found in the Fastathon Packet below (or in the Youth Ministry Office).
Permission slips are due by Monday, March 24.


B.A.S.I.C. goes on two retreats during the school year, a fall retreat and a spring retreat. Retreats last from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and are conducted off-site at overnight retreat centers. The weekend usually consists of games and team-building activities, free time, Mass, many opportunities for prayer and Adoration, small groups, and more. Each retreat is based around a theme that is relevant to teens living their faith. The youth minister and CORE lead the fall retreat, and the Teen Council leads the spring retreat.

The Spring Retreat 2025 will be May 2-4 at Our Lady of the Fields Camp in Brighton. 

RISE Conference

RISE is the annual Archdiocese of Detroit’s all-day conference for high schoolers with dynamic speakers, powerful music and worship experiences, breakout sessions, small group discussion, and Liturgy. St. Anastasia takes a group of teens to the conference each year.

Service Opportunities & Mission Trip

B.A.S.I.C. engages in several Christian service activities during the year, and each summer, B.A.S.I.C. engages in some kind of mission trip – sometimes locally – and sometimes out of town.

Keep an eye out for details.

Teen participants must be 14 or older. 

Cedar Point Trip

Each summer B.A.S.I.C. takes a trip to Cedar Point in August. This year’s date is: TBD

➢Arrive at the Davidson Center at 7 am and we will return by bus at 11 pm.

Permission slips & payment
➢ All high schoolers (including incoming freshmen and outgoing seniors) are welcome to join our trip to Cedar Point.

Questions about any high school teen related opportunities? Email Sophia Gaves, Youth Minister or call 248-689-8380, Ext. 108

What is Teen Ministry

Brothers and Sisters in Christ Youth Group (B.A.S.I.C.)
Sisters In Christ (S.I.C.)
Bibles & Bros (B.&B.)