*All activities subject to change with or without notice.
Business meetings are generally on the second Thursday of each month.
(Please check our parish calendar for any latest updates.)
- Rosary ………………7:00 PM
- Meeting………………7:30 PM
Officers’ meetings are scheduled when appropriate.
On the 4th Thursday of the month, we have a social at 5:30 pm. Location varies.
Please contact Bob Preston or one of the officers (below) for more details.
Our Officers
- Chaplain…………..Fr. Steve Wertanen
- District Deputy……………John E. Carry, Jr.
- Grand Knight……………….Robert S. Preston or call (248) 528-2647
- Deputy Grand Knight…..…Mark Martin
- Chancellor……………..….Brian Brennan
- Warden…………………Daniel Tardiff
- Treasurer……………………Glenn O’Connell
- Recorder………………….. John Lalik
- Advocate………….…George Goodison
- Inside Guard………….Mike Mulhern
- Outside Guard……Dennis Briar
- 1 Year Trustee………………Mark Brezenski
- 2 Year Trustee…….……Joe Rzepecki
- 3 Year Trustee………………. Tony Wilk
- Financial Secretary.….Dennis Dekoski
- Lecturer …………… John E. Carry, Jr.
- Field Agent………………Glain Guilmette
Who We Are
The Knights of Columbus were organized as a fraternal benefit society in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882 by the Rev. Michael McGivney. The purpose of this fraternal order of laymen is to support the Church and country by means of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The order works tirelessly to reach out to widows and orphans, to defend the unborn and aged, to provide assistance to the hungry, homeless, physically and mentally challenged, and to support vocations to ministry within the Church. Membership is open to men 18 years or older who are practicing Catholics.
What We Do
K of C Programs
These are some of our many programs/ways we support our parish and community:
- Fifth Sunday Rosary – This a prayer program led by our council. It is held in the church following the 12:00 Mass whenever a fifth Sunday occurs in a month. All are welcomed to attend this devotional prayer for vocations.
- Seminarian Support – In support of vocations, our council gives financial support to one seminarian each year to help offset schooling costs as they pursue their call to the Church.
- Global Wheelchair Mission – The Global Wheelchair Mission purchases wheelchairs in bulk and delivers them by sea containers around the world.
- Special Olympics – The Knights of Columbus commitment to Special Olympics and to hundreds of grassroots programs for people with intellectual and physical disabilities is an expression of our belief in the intrinsic worth of every human being.
- Ultrasound Initiative – Our council participates in this Initiative by raising money for funds that will buy an ultra sound machine and support mobile ultra sound ministries.
- Family of the Month and Year – We recognize active families each month and for the year.
- Coats for Kids – The council supplies boxes of new coats for ministries in our parish to give to those in need as well as other similar ministries in the area.
- Free Throw Championship – Contestants (kids 9 – 14) compete within their own age group. All competition begins at the local level. Winners move on to the district, regional, and state levels. From there, some move on to the international level.
- Keep Christ in Christmas – The council supports the initiative to have billboards in the Metro area that remind people of the real reason of the Christmas season.
Parish Programs we help support:
- Confirmation Class
- First Communion Class
- College Scholarships
- St. Vincent de Paul
- B.A.S.I.C. Youth Group
- CYO Sports
- Stations of the Cross
- Graduation Dinner
- Parish Summer Concert
- Food Pantry
- Parish Movie Night
- Men’s Fellowship
- Adopt a Road
- Seniors’ Club
Charities We Support:
- Mary’s Mantle
- Boysville (Holy Cross Children’s Services of Michigan)
- Special Olympics
- St. Francis Camp
- Camp Sancta Maria
- Wreaths Across America
- Christ the Light Special Ed
- Right-To-Life Activities
- Priests For Life
Anyone interested in more information or an application please contact Robert Preston at (248) 528-2647. Applications and information are also available in the Parish Office.