Snow/Inclement Weather Policy for Daily Mass and Adoration
If the Troy School District is closed for inclement weather, daily Mass and the Exposition of the Eucharist will be cancelled. Funerals are excluded from the Snow/Inclement Weather Policy and will continue as planned.
You may think, “But our priests live right next door!” While that is true, we are not always able to clear the sidewalks and parking lot before Mass begins and this can create a dangerous risk to you, our parishioners.
This policy applies ONLY to the Mass and Adoration schedule and does not include Religious Education classes. You will receive a special notification if Religious Education classes or other events are cancelled.
Other Activities and Events – we will continue to assess the weather and safety concerns throughout the day. Please continue to watch our website and social media outlets for the most up to date information or call the Parish Office at (248) 689-8380.
Check our Parish Calendar