Our gifts to the CSA put these themes into action. St. Teresa of Avila reminds us, Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours …
Together, we, as the Body of Christ, every day, in some way through our support of CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, impact the lives of thousands in southeast Michigan and beyond. We bring Christ’s mercy and love into their lives, and by our showing that love, send a powerful evangelization message for all to witness.
CSA letter from our Pastor, Fr. Steve Wertanen
All of us, personally and through our parishes, enjoy the fruits of the work of the archdiocesan Central Services departments and offices whom seek to carry out the mission of sharing Christ in and through the Church. When we use God’s blessings to pledge our annual gift to the CSA, we join with our sisters and brothers in Christ throughout the Archdiocese to do the Lord’s work — work that no one individual or parish could possibly do alone.
If you have any questions regarding your CSA contribution, please contact Bill Pantalone at 248-689-8380 x 130 or email.
For your convenience, you may submit your pledge and payment information directly to the Archdiocese by going to the online portal. Otherwise, you can submit your pledge information using the form on the reverse-side of the letter from Fr. Steve – OR download this form to print and mail.
May God bless you for your generosity.