You Are the Light of the World (Matthew 5: 14-16)
Jesus tells his followers that they are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16) and that they are unable to be hidden. No one puts a lamp under a bushel basket because the purpose of a lamp is to help people see in dark places. Jesus Christ’s followers shine the light of the Lord on those around them by the words they speak and the actions they take. This is one of the great gospel images of discipleship: the light of discipleship in Christ shining for all the world to see.
Light cannot be anything other than what it is. It’s bright; it dispels darkness; it enables people to see what they are doing. God is light, and since He sent His Holy Spirit to live inside believers, so are we. As his ambassadors on earth, we shine even when we don’t know it. We reflect God’s very presence in the world. It is not enough for us to know about God. As disciples, we have to be the activity of God in the world.
Jesus encourages us to let our light shine before others, calling us to live an active life of faith, not a passive one. We have many grace-filled opportunities to shine our light brightly for the Lord and to share the Good News with all those with whom we come in contact. Our light reveals to those among our family, friends, neighbors and community what we believe by how we live our lives. You are the light of the world. Be a good steward of your light. Let your light shine before others so that they, too, may see the glory of God.
Taken in part from
We have many opportunities to let your light and love of God shine here, at St. Anastasia! Whether you feel called to help the homeless, comfort the sick, teach our faith to children or adults, help keep our campus beautiful and welcoming, proclaim the Word of God during Mass, welcome others in a variety of hospitality ministries, help with minor clerical needs, be on our prayer team, minister to teens or seniors, use your gift of music, (just to name a few), we have countless opportunities for you to put the gifts and talents God gave you into use! For more details, please see here or email Brenda Kozlowski, Parish Life/Stewardship and Evangelization.
Below is a short video that helps us understand some basic principles of the Spirituality of Stewardship. All we have is a gift from God, our loving Father. Let us receive these gifts with gratitude, pray that we continue to grow and respond generously to Him and to the needs of others, in every aspect of our lives.