Mercy / Encouragement

Do you feel drawn to help and/or pray for the sick or suffering? Do you like to provide assistance to families who are facing physical or emotional hardships? Then consider joining one of our caring ministries.

Corewell Health / Beaumont Communion Minister

Every Sunday, after the 8:00 AM Mass, ministers bring Holy Communion to Catholics at Troy Corewell. You must be a “Corewell Health / Beaumont Volunteer” to serve at the hospital and strict safety protocols are in place. A 4-step training process is provided. You are able to schedule yourself every 4-6 weeks on a sign up genius. You are very much needed and are back home by lunchtime.

Contact Kim Houseman

Communion to the Homebound

Once a week parishioners who are unable to participate in the Liturgy are visited and brought Holy Communion by rotating volunteers from the parish. The minister visits on the day of their choice, arranged in advance with the parishioners. The rotating schedule requires one half day of time every 4 to 5 weeks visiting 4 - 5 parishioners. Training is provided.

Contact Kim Houseman

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
Larry Williams

St. Vincent de Paul endeavors to meet those in need on a person to person basis.  We are energized by the awareness that service to others is in fact an encounter with our Lord. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique.
We bring a wide variety of gifts to share with our brothers and sisters in need.  Our meetings are twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. All are welcome to attend and explore how our St. Anastasia Conference assists our neighbors in need.

Contact Larry Williams

Walking with Moms

We are seeking mentors to walk with Moms experiencing challenges in her life. You would be someone who would accompany them on their journey. You may meet them at church, coffee shops or phone calls. We are also accepting Target gift cards for Moms in need. Safe
Environment training is required for one on one mentoring.

Contact Kim Houseman

Funeral Assistance
Lisa Harrison (248) 689-8380 Ext. 109

Set up and assist Father at a weekday morning funeral Mass (training provided).

Contact Lisa Harrison

Funeral Lunch Team Leader

We are prayerfully considering offering funeral lunches as an option when a funeral Mass is held. In order to offer this compassionate ministry to our bereaved families, we need 3 sets of Team Leaders (teams of 2 people each). We are seeking Team Leaders (we are already blessed with setup help and servers). A Team Leader will be “on call” for a potential funeral for a month at a time. When a lunch is requested, the Team Leader contacts other volunteers and assists them with set up, serving and clean up. They shop for a few items needed for the luncheon (i.e. cream, lemonade) at Gordon Food Service (on account). On the day of the luncheon, a caterer will provide the food and the Team Leader oversees the serving of the meal. We need you!

Contact Kim Houseman

Lead Prayers at Wake Service
Lisa Harrison (248) 689-8380 Ext. 109

Lead a short prayer service or rosary at the funeral home the evening before a funeral and/or accompany the family to the cemetery to lead final prayers. Training is provided.

Contact Lisa Harrison

Clothing Drive Deliveries

Our parish holds clothing collections in the spring and fall. We support Beattyville, KY and a local charity such as St. Vincent de Paul or Catholic Charities. We are seeking volunteers to deliver the items to the charities we support. If you are interested, please contact Kim.

Contact Kim Houseman

Easter Food Basket Deliveries

This once a year ministry needs volunteers who are willing to deliver food baskets to local families during Lent.

Contact Kim Houseman

Focus: HOPE/Bethany Villa Deliveries

On the second Saturday of each month, supplemental food boxes are delivered to low-income senior citizens at Bethany Villa. You will deliver food (7-8 boxes per person 9:15-11 AM) from St. Anastasia. Substitute drivers are also needed. Teams are rotated throughout the year so your assistance is needed 3-4 times a year. This ministry is great for family participation! Boxes are heavy so you must be able to carry them.

Contact Kim Houseman

Food Pantry Drivers (local)

When our donations are abundant, we share with local pantries and senior communities. You would be put on a schedule on a rotating basis during a week day (approximately once every 6-7 weeks). We also deliver fresh vegetables in the summer to local senior communities.

Contact Kim Houseman

Giving Tree Deliveries

Special collections in Advent for organizations that put our generosity to good use. Help needed with local deliveries of donations.

Contact Kim Houseman

Shelter / Lighthouse Outreach

We will partner with a local church to support the homeless in 2025. If you are interested in driving food or goods, please contact Kim.

Contact Kim Houseman