Greetings from your Religious Education Staff:

Whether you say education, formation, spiritual growth, knowledge of faith – all are indicative of the goals and purpose of religious education for children at St. Anastasia. It is our desire that every child who comes through our programming has an opportunity to meet Jesus – to come to know Him in a deep and personal way. We pray that every child understands that he or she is a Beloved Child of God – loved for who they are – not for what they can do.

We are here to support parents – the first catechists in their children’s lives – as they teach and live a life of discipleship in Christ. Our catechists are volunteers – parents, grandparents, adults and teens – all sharing the love of God and their faith in Jesus with the children of our parish.

If you have questions, please email the Religious Education Office.


Attendance Policy for Grade K – 7 – If a student misses more than four class sessions (only two for First Communion students) without calling and without completing the class materials, they will not be considered as having completed that grade. Students are responsible for missed material, which will be available from their catechist upon their return to class. Please email the Religious Education Office to report an absence. Students in Confirmation Prep classes have a different attendance policy, wherein all scheduled classes must be completed in order to receive credit for completion.

Sacrament Policy—The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are generally celebrated in 2nd grade (Level 2 for Spanish). Completion of one year of Family Catechesis is a prerequisite for preparing for these sacraments as a norm. If your child is in a higher grade than the norm, and has not yet prepared for sacraments, please contact the Religious Education Office for placement. Students are expected to participate in and complete all preparation years (first through ninth grade – to coincide with the grade level that he or she is attending in school) prior to being Confirmed in ninth grade. Candidates must exhibit free acceptance of the Catholic Faith and appropriate levels of desire for the sacraments prior to reception of them. Families who come into faith formation on a different schedule – for whatever reason – need to speak with our staff for optimal placement.

The Archdiocese of Detroit has instituted a program called Empowering God’s Children (updated from the Circle of Grace protocol) for the safe environment education of children and young people in parishes. It is integrated into the current curriculum for religious education programs for grades Kindergarten through 9th grade at St. Anastasia. You, as the parent, do have the choice to “opt out” of this program – but must complete an opt out form. Forms are available in the Religious Education Office. Teens who are in Grade 9 and above must also complete a self-directed, online workshop in order to volunteer in any capacity that involves children, throughout the AOD. These changes will be explained as we begin our education year – and all of the links and paperwork will be provided then.

Weather Policy—Please use the website and direct communications from the parish (including email, Facebook, and twitter) to know if classes are cancelled.  If you need to call the office after checking those, please call the Religious Education Office (Ext. 111) to ask.