Upcoming Events

Stay up to date on Parish Events
Parish Mission: Hearing God’s Voice
At the heart of all relationships is communication. If we want deep relationships, we need to have authentic communication. In our relationship with God, we call this communication prayer. Although we…Read More >
Lenten Opportunities & Activities
Pray the Litany of Trust Jesus, I trust in you!It is our hope that, praying the Litany of Trust, and meditating on each element of prayer, we would all come…Read More >
Stations of the Cross
Join us each Friday during Lent at 7:00 pm for the Stations of the Cross. March 7, 14, 21, 28April 4, 11 April 18 is Good Friday. Stations of the…Read More >


Stay up to date with what’s happening in our Parish
Easter Food Service Project
This year we will help 50 local families with Easter Food.  There will be recycled plastic grocery bags in the Gathering Space on Sunday, March 30th and Monday, March 31st.  The grocery…Read More >
K of C Easter Ham & Kielbasa Sale
The Knights are selling Dearborn Brand Hams and Kielbasa as a fundraiser to support K of C charities. Orders can be placed in the Parish Office. All orders must be…Read More >
Feeding those in Need – Food Pantry
Did you know that we help distribute food to our brothers and sisters in need, right here out of St. Anastasia? The St. Anastasia Food Pantry is housed onsite and…Read More >